Undergraduate Program is a study program in the Faculty of Biology UGM whose main purpose is to educate undergraduate students to become a “Sarjana degree” or “Bachelor Science” in the field of Biology has been founded on 1955. As the first Faculty of Biology in Indonesia, this faculty was originated from the merging of Zoology Section of the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry, and the Botany Section of the Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry. The establishment of the Undergraduate Program Faculty of Biology was based on the fact that education in the biological-related applied sciences needed basic science such as Biology. The establishment of the Faculty of Biology was based on the decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 53759/Kb/1955 on 19th of September, 1955.
The founding fathers of the Faculty of Biology at UGM are Prof. Drs. R. Radiopoetro as the first Dean and Prof. drg. R. G. Indojono as the faculty secretary. Other persons behind its establishment are Prof. dr. Soewasono, Prof. Ir. Gembong Tjitrosoepomo, and Ir. Soeryo Sodo Adisewoyo. The first enrolled-students were students who have joined into Baccalaureat Biologi in Medical, Destistry, and Pharmacy. At the past, the Faculty of Biology was situated in Mangkubumen area of Yogyakarta along with Faculty of Medical, Dendistry, and Farmacy. The Faculty of Biology had been occupying North Sekip of Yogyakarta building since 1970.
During 1955-1979, the Faculty of Biology offered undergraduate degree (B.Sc.) that could be accomplished within three years, and then students continued to bachelor degree (Drs.) for two years. Since 1980, the undergraduate and bachelor degree has replaced to be bachelor degree (S1) by using semester credit system and it can be achieved in four years.

Undergraduate Program in Faculty of Biology (UPB) UGM strives to provide high quality education. In order to assure the quality of education, at 2008 UPB has receive ISO 9001:2000. UPB has been accredited nationally as an excellent (grade A) study program for 5 consecutive accreditation cycle. In order to increase international exposure for the program, UPB has AUNQA certified since 2011. The AUN-QA certification made sure that UPB curriculum is on par with undergraduate Biology program in other ASEAN countries. Moreover, in 2018 UPB has received ASIIN accreditation which further qualify our curriculum as an internationally standardized. According to QS World University Rankings® by 2017, UPB is the best Undergraduate Programs in Biological Sciences.
With the rapid development of science and technology especially in Biology, biologists are required to take advantage of the progress and development of these sciences in their fields. Therefore, the need for human resources in the field of biology that has capabilities and qualities that cannot be denied. Such human resources will be able to take advantage of the development of science and technology, so as to be able to enhance and develop its role for the nation and state.
To complete the education level at Gadjah Mada University, based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0124 / U / K / 1979, specifically regarding the Undergraduate Education Program, the University of Gadjah Mada established a Postgraduate Faculty through the Doctoral Education Institution. Based on these regulations, the Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University held an Undergraduate Education Program in the Biology Study Program since the 1980/1981 academic year. Undergraduate Program 2 The Biology Study Program of the Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University was held in an effort to meet human resource needs in the field of biology.